“TV Maria: The Catholic Channel”

The local Church is trying all it can to keep in step with the needs of our people today.

programsTelevision is the dominant medium today, or maybe next to mobile or cellphone. In our country, ownership of a radio set is registered to be more than television but TV programs have greater impact and influence.

Aware of this phenomenon, the Archdiocese of Manila through the leadership of His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, is embarking into a new project – the TV Channel called TV MARIA.

TV Maria is made possible through Dream Satellite, which is the only digital content provider in the Philippines. The coverage reaches to some parts of Asia, Middle East and the United States. One can access the Church channel by subscribing to Dream Satellite. There is a plan to broadcast TV Maria also in other Cable Service Providers so that more people can have access to the programs.

When formally launched, TV Maria will be a communication channel of the Catholic Church in the Philippines and will cater even to the Filipinos abroad. Catholic institutions and organizations are invited to collaborate in any manner possible. They may produce television programs and send them to TV Maria for broadcasting.

In its Vision Statement formulated during the strategic planning early this year, TV Maria aims to “cause a ripple effect among believers and non-believers, to be resilient in their struggle to be free from ignorance, poverty, sickness, selfish attitudes and values, and to continuously learn to recognize Jesus in each other, growing together with mutual respect and charity…”

To make this Vision a reality, members of TV Maria commit themselves to “communicate the continuing presence of Jesus, the Word became flesh and dwells among us, by shepherding the creative, constructive tension and complementation of Church media apostolate and discipleship in social communications.”

According to a survey conducted by the Daughters of St. Paul (FSP) to parents, youth and children of middle and lower income families, the topic on family life is the most desired. Some respondents express the need of a TV Program that discusses family situations and how they are affected by the problems in our country today, and explore practical solutions. Involving a “model” family, couple and youth as discussants in the program would be ideal.

Another program content suggested by the respondents is the topic on religion, especially on the many questions people ask today. They want to be enlightened and desire to have more knowledge about the faith. This requires a presentation that is simple and entertaining.

Our readers are encouraged to suggest other aspects of life that can be developed and discussed on TV programs.

Please call or write:

Sr. Consolata Manding, FSP
Phone: (02) 831-6019; (02) 831-6960
Cell phone: 0927-343-1776
For more information on TV Maria, please contact:
National Office of Mass Media
2307 Pedro Gil, Santa Ana, Manila
Phone (02) 564-4518 Fax (02) 563-7319

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