The Paulines Institute of Communication in Asia (PICA) Foundation is a non-profit institution owned and managed by the Daughters of St. Paul, missionary sisters of social communication, whose specific charism in the Church is evangelization through the communications media.

A pastoral center for the proclamation of Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, through animation in communication and media education for evangelization and human advancement.
Established for a prophetic and evangelizing mission, inculturated in the Asian situation
and responsive to the changing demands of media culture in creative fidelity to the
Pauline charism and the Church, with the preferential option for the poor, this center is
committed to:
1. Provide training programs on media literacy education giving priority to pastoral
workers, catechists and youth.
2. Provide cultural, apostolic and spiritual animation using media technology.
3. Collaborate with the local Church and other media institutions.
4. Promote Christian media productions and services.
5. Promote culture of communication within the Church and society.
Educational Philosophy
The Paulines Institute of Communication in Asia is anchored on the belief that ‘commitment’ through formation to communication and media education is one key to human advancement in the third millennium. This inference consolidates an eclectic philosophy of education in two main ideas:
Media Education Begins From Where Individuals areEvery person emerges from diversified cultures, hence, varied socio-economic status, value system, beliefs, perceptions, opinions, needs, interests and different media exposures. Given emphasis in media education are:
WHAT individuals already know about the media
WHO says ‘what’ to certain media issues
WHY individuals’ interests are captured by the media
and HOW media works in different ways with individuals.
We value this wealth of ‘meanings’ in every person, but at the same time, we also believe that this will bring ‘self-fulfillment’ to them – only if these experiences will give real meaning to their life.
Today, MEDIA has claimed a huge share in people’s daily experiences. It “does not only influence their culture… our culture. Media, in fact, is already our culture”.
Through media education we can help make a difference for life-long skills.
Media Education is a springboard to critical autonomy.
As we create an atmosphere of “free expression” while building on where individuals are, the Center maintains a staff who serve as facilitators, guide and resource persons – reinforcing and/or providing what is perceived as lacking in content – and while assuming non-directive roles, they lead individuals gradually towards:
Critical awareness – Reflection
Analysis – Evaluation
Media Appreciation
Plan of Action for LIFE
We believe in the power and persuasiveness of the MEDIA as well as in the capacity of individuals for concrete learning through multi-sensory involvement and enlightened information. We believe in value-clarifications as a way of strengthening individual judgment and decisions. Moreover, we believe that if properly understood and used, these instruments of social communications including the new communication technology, can bring about powerful changes (intellectually, psychologically, morally and even spiritually) to both individuals and society as a whole.