The Information Technology has penetrated all areas of life. Let us use it for promoting what is true, good and beautiful. The fastest development happening in the world today is...
A Reflection on the Temptation in the Desert from the Gospel of St. Luke (4:1-13) “When you play with fire, you get burned.” The late Pauline priest and long-time Home...
The World Youth Day is an encounter between Christ and the Youth This year's World Youth Day (WYD) takes place in Cologne, Germany from August 16-21. Pope Benedict XVI, after...
“Mass media has an enormous power to promote peace and unity among peoples.” The Church celebrates World Communications Day (WCD) every year to focus attention on God's gift to humanity...
The various instruments of social communication can multiply Christ's presence in the world. The nature of communication is to relate with someone or something that gives meaning to our person....